INMETCP Plastic Granulation System

Project Summary:
INMETCO is a leading recycler of metal-bearing wastes in North America. They recycle thousands of tons of nickel, chromium, iron, molybdenum and cadmium bearing wastes annually. A portion of the metal bearing wastes is nickel bearing batteries.
A by-product of the battery recycling process is the plastic materials that house the functional battery components. Currently Inmetco collects this plastic material and periodically ships the waste battery plastic off site for incineration. An alternative to off-site incineration is in-house consumption of the plastic in the rotary hearth furnace to take advantage of the carbon content of the waste battery plastic. To do this the waste battery plastic must be granulated so it can be incorporated into the pellets generated at the palletizing disk and then feed into the rotary hearth furnace.
Project Highlights:
RPA Engineering was engaged to provide overall project management for the design and installation of a Plastic Granulation System. This included development of the system specifications, development of a budget for the system, an economic evaluation of the proposed system, procurement of equipment, electrical service design, development of installation specifications and drawings, management of the installation and startup of the system and transfer of all system documentation to the Client.
For the equipment procurement, RPA developed the performance-based specifications for the plastic granulation system consisting of a shredder, granulator, conveyor, granule transfer system and associated controls and electrical panels. RPA will be obtaining and evaluating all equipment manufacturer proposals, reviewing and approving equipment shop drawings, monitoring the fabrication and delivery of the equipment and final sign-off of the equipment at the manufacturer´sfacilities.